
Here at Reingold, our enthusiasm for projects that make an impact leads us to work with many education-focused clients. Amid the shifting landscape and passionate discussion of education in our nation, we have successfully helped organizations — including government programs like the Nation’s Report Card and nonprofits like the Council of Chief State School Officers — advance their initiatives and reach their goals.

Whether we’re cutting through the clutter of complex data to help policymakers and educators make informed decisions about education reform, or connecting nontraditional students with opportunities to continue their education, we’ve mastered the art of strategic storytelling to make educational reporting and resources accessible, meaningful, and actionable to a wide range of key audiences. These audiences include teachers, administrators, state education agencies, national and local policymakers, parents, students, and leaders in the business community.

Our experience in and knowledge of the education space allow us to effectively drive discussion of some of today’s most prominent causes and topics, including using K-12 achievement data, promoting 12th-grade academic preparedness, improving assessment literacy, supporting English language learners, applying education standards, expanding school choice, increasing college access, administering charter schools, enhancing STEM education, promoting lifelong learning, and teaching data literacy in schools. By providing strategic guidance for focusing attention on these issues, we continue our commitment to making a difference.


Contact Us

Joseph LaMountain

Vice President

571-814-3372, ext. 223